Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thing #10a

Wow, all the free fun stuff one can do with the online image generators.. Here is my first attempt that was made with Body Switcher. I will add some more later in the day.

I like the thing I made in Wordle.. I wish I could put it on this page, but I guess a link will do. My wordle is based on the word Read.

1 comment:

  1. Ginny, Wow. I cannot believe that you have joined 23 things from Brazil and you are a teacher at our school. Did you join because of Marja or my email about this or just discover it on your own? That is so cool. I like your face on the country lady. You are ahead of me so I haven't gotten to #10 yet. I agree that there are many things to learn from this online blogging workshop--I guess it is a BlogShop.


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