Monday, June 29, 2009

I'll be gone for the next 3 weeks...

Off on a Canadian expedition... I'll pick up where I left off when I get back!


  1. Three weeks in Canada? Enjoy the cool weather!

  2. Three weeks in cool weather....oh I wish I could go too. I hope you have fun.

  3. You have a wonderful blog. I hope you get the opportunity to complete the 23 Things, as you seem to have a good grasp of what you have accomplished so far.

  4. By now you may be thinking, "It's too late to finish." but really you can get 23 Things done if you will remember that the program isn't intended to make you a pro in each tool. Spend time investigating, accomplish the assigned task and then move on to the next tool. You can come back later to play longer with your favorite tools. Keep going and we'll see you at the finish.

  5. I hope you had a great time in Canada! I have had a busy July as well so I am playing catch up on the 23 things as well. I agree with the above post that we are just being introduced to many of the tools and can revisit the ones that we find the most relevant! I hope you have a great school year! It's coming up before we know it!


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